TRE information for the public

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Whilst we recognise that data is key to facilitating progress, it can be highly sensitive. We do not own or sell data, we are a Scottish Registered Charity (SCO15096), and are not-for-profit, operating on a cost-recovery basis only. We securely hold and provision sensitive data via our TRE, if information governance is in place.​​

The priority actions areas identified by the Scottish Government’s first Data Strategy are our key strengths, namely - data access, protecting and sharing data, technology and infrastructure, information standards, supporting research and innovation, and creating insights from data.​​

We are a data ecosystem; a thriving environment of people with expertise across data linkage and engineering, data science research, software development, infrastructure, and information governance. The Goldacre review states:​

“Raw data does not do great work on its own. The data must be curated, managed, cleaned, reshaped and prepared by people. Then it must be made available in well designed platforms, which earn public trust through security and transparency, and which facilitate sharing and re-use of prior work.”

Goldacre Review

This space is where HIC is positioned, our TRE may be a product, but it is our wider team and people working here that make us a success.