TRE Newsroom

To raise awareness of TRE related news, updates, and activities, we deliver a monthly newsletter to engage with and develop our community.

On this page
Subscribe to our newsletter

If you’d like to subscribe to our newsletter, please contact us at so we can add you to our mailing list.  


We intend on using our monthly newsletter to serve as a platform for sharing important news, helpful tips, your successes, and more. To help us build and celebrate our community, please contact us so we can shine a spotlight on successes. The three main areas of content will be:    

  1. Important updates: stay informed about any changes or developments within the TRE and HIC services.   
  2. Hints and tips: we will share some useful resources to aid you.   
  3. Spotlight on success: we want to celebrate the wins (progress and achievements!) – no matter how small or big.  
Past newsletters

All our previously released newsletters can be found in our TRE Newsroom archive