
In both subjects we use a wide range of teaching methods, from lectures, to small group seminars or tutorials, and film screenings.

For most modules at Levels 1 and 2 you will attend two lectures and one tutorial in each week. This may vary at Levels 3 and 4 where you may have one lecture and more small working groups or seminars per week.

For the philosophy lectures you will be introduced to the major themes and topics of a philosopher or philosophical problem. For the tutorials you will question and develop your own world views, construct arguments to defend them, and put together projects in small groups to illustrate them.

Throughout the course you will be given the opportunity to view the films you are studying through weekly dedicated film screenings.


Assessments across both subjects are carried out by coursework and exams and vary in type and weighting from module to module.

Assessment methods for philosophy modules can include:

  • essays
  • tutorial performance
  • exams
  • online journals and discussions

Assessment methods for film modules can include:

  • essays
  • close analysis exercises
  • diary or journal entries
  • tests
  • class presentations
  • team projects

At Level 4 you can apply the skills you have learned to write a dissertation on a topic of your own choice.

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: HU11001 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

This module provides you with a sense of the different roles that Humanities can play in today’s world by examining and contextualising several current issues and concepts around the question of the future through a study of examples based mainly upon historical, literary, and philosophical texts.

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: EN11001 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

This module will introduce you to university-level work in Literary Studies. We focus on the three main genres of drama, poetry, and the novel, using examples from various times in literary history.

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: AG20001 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

For undergraduate students seeking to gain a better understanding of career planning process.

Ideal for anyone who wants to get started with choosing a career path or make plans towards their future. Suitable for students who need the flexibility of online learning.

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: EN32020 Credits: 30 Semester: Semester 2

This module asks "What is Cinema?" through an examination of key periods of film history, a variety of theoretical definitions of film, and an examination of film's relationship with the other arts, including painting, photography, music, dance, radio and comics.

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: EN41011 Credits: 30 Semester: Semester 1

This module offers you the opportunity to write in depth on a subject of your own choice.

You will develop your independent research skills on an area you are passionate about, and work closely with an academic supervisor who is an expert in the field.

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