Trusted Research Environment (TRE)

Our Trusted Research Environment (TRE) is a secure computing environment. It is specifically designed for handling sensitive data in a way that protects privacy and ensures security, enabling your world-leading projects.

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We live in a world overflowing with data, and extracting meaning from that is crucial. Here at HIC, we have decades of experience working in health informatics. We have operated as a Data Safe Haven, or Trusted Research Environment (TRE) for over a decade. ​​

Data is key to driving innovation, improving decision-making, and facilitating progress. But it can be very sensitive, and safe handling of this data is our primary concern. Our TRE enables users to conduct research in a flexible, scalable environment, providing rich insights from research and opportunities for innovation.​


Team photo of the HIC team standing grouped in the foyer of the Dalhousie building

We believe in the power of data research to generate positive meaningful outcomes for us all. We are a data ecosystem; a team committed to driving forward the best practice uses of data for common good.

Our expert team are responsible for our TRE. Our TRE may be a product, but it is our wider team and people working at HIC that make us a ‘Data Safe Haven’. ​