Defining TREs

What a TRE is and why it matters to everybody.

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What is a TRE?

Our Trusted Research Environment (TRE), is a platform for analysing data which protects privacy. Research on sensitive data is made possible by using our TRE. Our TRE ensures security and flexibility, enabling world-leading science. ​​

Our TRE is the tool to provide insights from data-driven research and opportunities for innovation. It is used to help understand specific diseases or healthcare pathways, or to develop and assess medical devices and technologies. ​

We have the necessary infrastructure to maintain this environment for sensitive data. The TRE is built and operated with no access to the Internet. It also can't copy, paste, or screenshot information to or from the workspace. We run strict output checking processes to ensure no sensitive information is released.


Logo for SATRE (Standardised Architecture for Trusted Research Environments)

Not all TREs are created equal, at HIC, we champion best practices in standards, such as SATRE.

SATRE tells you exactly what TREs should be like, this makes sure that TREs can meet certain requirements and work the way they’re supposed to.​

Watch an introduction to the SATRE project