TRE support services

Our teams in HIC provide support for users.

On this page

We are continuing to develop our TRE Knowledge Base with information for users.

You can raise a support ticket with our Business Support Team who will either respond or triage issues to the appropriate HIC technical team.​


Your TRE outputs can be requested out as draft provisional results or final summary reports. All content coming out of our TRE is disclosure checked. This mitigates the risk of identifiable information being released. Our staff will check for any risk of re-identification and may provide suggestions. ​

Machine Learning​

With the continuous evolution of health informatics and methodologies, Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning (AI/ML) models pose a new challenge. AI/ML models built balance complexity, interpretability and necessary training data. Similarly, models requested out of our TRE need to balance privacy and utility. The explainability of your model and coding needs to be understood by us to aide disclosure control. This allows us to perform our due diligence and assess risk.

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