TRE workspaces

What your custom-built TRE could look like and do for you.

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Our TRE is the Safe Setting for secure research analyses. Approved users can access their workspace flexibly on remote desktops. This facilitates multidisciplinary research teams not tied by institutions, countries, or time zones. ​​

Cloud TRE?

Our cloud-based TRE provides secure access with unlimited compute and storage. A key advantage of cloud-based computing is the flexibility, without having to invest in physical hardware. We can scale resources and storage depending on your demand. Using TREs are a sustainable and cost-effective way of provisioning data. Our cloud TRE has security measures and certifications which exceed on-premise offerings. This includes data encryption, disaster recovery options, and automated backups, ensuring high levels of data protection and business continuity.​

​Your TRE workspace​

You create your own TRE workspace. We will discuss with you what you need to define the required infrastructure. Our TRE standard offering includes typically used statistical software packages, and open-source software is routinely available. However, we can review and install other software as required. ​

Cloud licensing models can be variable, and whilst University of Dundee users may have access to Matlab and SPSS through a central licence, other users may incur additional costs for these programs.