
Our degrees are taught using a variety of methods including:

  • lectures
  • seminars
  • workshops
  • tutorials
  • projects

We also have an annual series of industry lectures which you are encouraged to attend.


Methods of assessment include:

  • essays
  • problem-based exercises
  • case studies
  • presentations
  • group projects
  • reports

Together with exam results, these will provide the basis for your final grade.

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: BU11004 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

Learn about current Economic and Business issues from a global perspective. Theories of economics will be applied to modern problems with global impact. You will have the chance to put models into practise understanding how Economics can help both understand and improve the world we live in. 

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: EV11001 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: BU21004 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

This module covers the micro aspects of the economy by focusing on the basic theories of consumer and firm behaviour under various settings.

You will learn about the conditions in which markets will or will not produce desirable outcomes and the role of government in improving the operation of markets.

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: EV21001 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

The module focuses on three main themes: (1) geological resources; (2) soil science; and (3) satellite remote sensing.

This allows you to examine deep time to modern processes, to understand the Earth as a system, to examine resource use and extraction, and how we monitor Earth systems.

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: BU30016 Credits: 30 Semester: Semester 1

Microeconomic analysis is the study of individual economic units such as households, firms, and markets to understand their behaviour and decision-making processes. It examines factors like supply and demand, pricing, production, and consumer choices to provide insights into the allocation of resources and economic efficiency.

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: EV31004 Credits: 30 Semester: Semester 1

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: EV41006 Credits: 30 Semester: Semester 2

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: UP41003 Credits: 30 Semester: Semester 1

You will develop an understanding of the modern issues faced by built environment professionals at a local, regional and global scale. Through a guest lecture series you will have contact with professionals in practice and explore their roles and responsibilities.

Contact our enquiry team

If you have any questions about the admissions process, studying, or living in Dundee, please contact us

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