
Teaching methods include:

  • presentations
  • class-based discussions
  • videos on youth work, community development, and adult and family learning
  • talks by invited speakers and TED talks
  • group-work activities
  • work-place learning
  • online learning
  • independent study

This course involves lots of learning through your own experiences, dialogue with peers and community members.

In your final year you will complete a research project, working with people in your own community setting to help create a more equal society.

Experienced practitioners also contribute to the delivery of the course and this supports your engagement with the ongoing changes in the professional field of practice.


You will be assessed by a variety of different methods:

  • presentations
  • discursive essays
  • reflective essays on your own learning journey
  • e-Portfolio of your community work practice
  • research projects and reports
  • reports from your supervisor on your community work practice

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: CO10008 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 2

You will be introduced to Community Education. You will explore the history, philosophy and guiding principles and values of the profession.

You will examine some of the defining ideas and competing narratives that have shaped its development. These include ideas such as 'community', informal education, inclusion and social justice.

Optional Modules

You need to choose one or more of these modules as part of your course.

Module code: EN11001 Credits: 20 Semester: Semester 1

This module will introduce you to university-level work in Literary Studies. We focus on the three main genres of drama, poetry, and the novel, using examples from various times in literary history.

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: CO20013 Credits: 40 Semester: Semester 1

Practice learning takes place in a range of community settings. You will learn more about youth work, adult education, and community development.

You will get practical experience in a supported environment. This will develop your understanding of working with people in community settings.

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: CO31001 Credits: 30 Semester: Semester 1

Research is a fundamental skill for Community Educators. This helps you to understand the wider social, cultural, political, and economic contexts in which you work.

It provides a foundation to challenge, change and influence policy and practice. Explore how involving communities in research can enhance the impact of your practice.

Core Modules

These modules are an essential part of your course.

Module code: CO40006 Credits: 45 Semester: Both Semester 1 and 2

Your practice inquiry allows you to explore an area you are particularly interested in. You will look into issues that have frustrated you, or that have inspired you.

You will use your inquiry to inform your own practice. You will deepen your knowledge and challenge your understanding.

Contact our enquiry team

If you have any questions about the admissions process, studying, or living in Dundee, please contact us

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